Environmental Law

Blue-Green Province book review A\J AlternativesJournal.ca

Blue-Green Province: The Environment and Political Economy of Ontario

The environment is a complex system in which changes to one component create long-term impacts. Policymaking, on the other hand, happens on a short-term time scale. Policies are typically introduced as a direct reaction to a perceived problem. Confounding the issue further is the fact that public interest in the […]

What If…

LET’S FACE IT – the really inconvenient truth is that the age of unconstrained exuberance is over. Techno-industrial society has broken faith with Gaia and is now wrestling its twin demons of hubris and greed. It is illusory to think that anything can ever be the same. Nevertheless, not a […]

Green Law

Question of Trust The public trust doctrine holds hope for protecting Canada’s ecosystems. “By the law of nature these things are common to all mankind; the air, running water, the sea, and consequently the shores of the sea.”– Institutes of Justinian (sixth century AD)

Development Without Destruction book review A\J AlternativesJournal.ca

Development Without Desctruction

In his engaging and practical book Development Without Destruction: The UN and Global Resource Management, Nico Schrijver shows how the UN developed into a hub for natural resource management by default, not by design. As this comprehensive contribution to the UN Intellectual History Project series recounts, the Charter of the United […]

Defending the Environment book review A\J AlternativesJournal.ca

Legally Green

An Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy in Canada is the perfect book for university or even high-school students who want to understand the basic language of environmental debate. From an outline of environmental protection regimes to endangered species issues and environmental assessment, this text covers a diverse range of themes, […]