6 Eco-Tips to Make Your Kitchen Environment-Friendly in the Digital Age

There are many ways you can go about living a more sustainable lifestyle. Around the world, we’re seeing companies making commitments to lower their carbon footprint. On the other hands, more homes are switching to solar power (just like we previously discussed on Alternatives Journal). While these steps certainly go a […]

Fool’s Fuel

Many people believe that growing our fuel will improve energy security and independence, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote rural development. The Biofuel Delusion contends that such perceived advantages are quite simply not the case. Authors Mario Giampietro and Kozo Mayumi dedicate much of this book to energetics – an […]

Stable De-growth

Former Alberta environment minister Lorne Taylor was reported to have remarked to David Suzuki that without a strong, growing economy, Canadians simply could not afford to protect the environment. Most economists today continue to promote the idea that the wealthier the economy, the more money we will have to reduce […]

This Time, We Mean It

In the movie adaptation of N. Richard Nash’s The Rainmaker, Burt Lancaster plays a flamboyant confidence man who promises to bring rain to drought- stricken Texas. How? By using sodium chloride to “barometricize the tropopause” and “magnetize occlusions in the sky.” Are today’s climate engineers the modern equivalent of steam-era […]


As a borderline millennial/Gen Z individual, I am quite versed in the world of social media, having been introduced to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram from as early as 10-years-old. Back then, I mainly used social media to follow my favourite boy bands and have meaningless conversations (“hey” “what’s up” “nothing […]


Most of us do things every day that are not entirely in favour of the natural environment, whether it’s buying a to-go coffee in a plastic cup, taking an extra long shower after a hard day, or choosing not to buy local produce when it’s the more expensive option. Virtually […]


WTF 2020

As the end of 2020 comes to a close (we made it!), I have noticed many have taken the time to reflect on the environmental wins and losses of the year. While some believe the environment has been cast to the side and a forgotten cause, some claim we have […]


The WTF: The Week This Friday Vol. 28

A small price to pay? Lithium, a silver-white alkali metal, is a key component in electric vehicles (EV) rechargeable batteries. And while EV’s have been named “the eco-alternatives to cars” some are claiming that the quest to find and extract lithium ultimately causes just as much environmental damage as their […]


The WTF: The Week This Friday Vol. 27

Killing killer Whales – human activity linked to surge in death count Source: Unsplash Not a surprise that humans pose a threat to marine life, a study has showed that over 50 killer whales showed up dead due to human activity. Every age group from calves to adults are shown to be impacted […]