
The Epidemic book review A\J AlternativesJournal.ca

The Epidemic

The trust inherent in a community’s relationship with its water utility is profound and often unquestioned. That is, until a rash of illness opens the floodgate to doubt. In The Epidemic: A Collision of Power, Privilege, and Public Health, author David DeKok reconstructs a deadly typhoid epidemic in Ithaca, New York, […]

Food Security and Global Environmental Change book review AlternativesJournal.ca

Food Security and Global Environmental Change

Irrigation accounts for 70 per cent of the world’s fresh water use, so it has been evident for many years that food security is considered a greater issue, if less immediately critical, than drinking water. Add climate change into the mix, and what was already a difficult global problem becomes […]

The Wave book review A\J AlternativesJournal.ca

The Wave: In Pursuit of the Rogues, Freaks and Giants of the Ocean

The very first time I caught a wave — or, more accurately, wiped out and tumbled helplessly in a wave’s churning whitewash — I immediately understood the allure of surfing. The ocean, utterly indifferent to the presence of wetsuit-encased people bobbing about on fiberglass boards, presents only three options: sink, […]