Jessica Kuepfer

Jessica is A\J's Advertising and Outreach Liaison, and a recent graduate from the University of Waterloo with an English major and French minor. She's also a fitness instructor, marathon runner and volunteer with Greening Sacred Spaces.

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Hazelnut and blueberry dessert served at Camp Home by Michael Stadtländer.
A few weeks ago, I was invited to participate in the unveiling of Michael Stadtländer’s Camp Home project. The internationally renowned chef has hand-crafted an elaborate celebration of his 20...
Three organizations have begun a unique program for female cyclists (though supporters of women are also invited) in Kitchener, Ontario this August. Each Wednesday at 7pm, a group meets at Kitchener City...
shoe recycling A\J
Think about the last time that you replaced your running shoes. If you’re having a hard time coming up with an answer, chances are your shoes have stopped doing their...
When I began my last post for The Green Athlete, I had no idea that I would actually participate in the trek I was writing about. In a rapid sequence...
Drilling, hydraulic facturing in the North Dakota badlands. A\J Alternatives
It may stretch our imaginations a little to merge the worlds of marathons and fracking, but that is exactly what is happening this spring in the badlands of North Dakota.Adventure...
London Stadium - Alternatives Journal A\J Sustainability Athletics
The Olympic Games in London promised to be the most sustainable Olympics ever. In fact, their bid for the Olympics revolved mainly around sustainability. They guaranteed green energy and technology,...
ACCRaptorsGame -hepp on flikr- erik forsberg
Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment (MLSE), which owns the Toronto Maple Leafs, Marlies, Raptors and Toronto FC, made a major commitment to become more environmentally friendly in 2008, investing over...
Reading the book As Good As Gold, I was struck by the incredible resilience of author and professional cyclist Kathryn Bertine as she attempted to make it to the Beijing...
On the surface, athletics and sustainability might seem to be irreconcilable.The mention of professional sports conjures up images of driving in a traffic jam to a concrete dome powered by...