
74 Brendan Larson

A World For My Daughter: An Ecologist’s Search for Optimism (REVIEW)

In this lyrical book, Alejandro Frid weaves together the experiential, scientific, Indigenous and activist strands of his life into a series of letters to his daughter, Twyla Bella. Frid’s book is motivated by a deep concern for the state of the world that his daughter’s generation will inherit, yet also […]

Jonathan Rotsztain

Toronto Island Living: November Glow

As a recent transplant to Toronto Island, Jonathan Rotsztain will be documenting his first winter in this unique environment through interviews with seasoned Islanders. I’ve been living on the Toronto Island since the beginning of September. When I returned to my native city after spending time in more rural places, […]

Hives for Humanity

Harvesting Community Pride

In the Downtown Eastside (DTES) of Vancouver, a community is buzzing. Hives for Humanity is a non-profit organization based in Vancouver. They work to enhance the communities where their bee hives reside in by connecting people to honeybees and native bees, gardens and communities through the creation of opportunities. Their […]

Demystifying Sustainability - Haydn Washington

Demystifying Sustainability: Towards Real Solutions

In their endorsement of Demystifying Sustainability, Paul and Anne Ehrlich state, “Sustainability may be the most important … and most misused word in our language. This brilliant, deep, accurate, well-referenced book should do wonders to rectify that. It should be required reading for every high-school student, CEO and politician.” I would also […]

DamNation | Directed by Ben Knight and Travis Rummel


Free the river and the salmon come back. It seems so improbable – impossible! – and yet. DamNation captures the relentless beating pulse of thousands of salmon returning against all odds to Washington State’s Elwha River after nearly a century, the year after the removal of the Elwha Dam. It […]

The Back of the Turtle | Thomas King

The Back of the Turtle

A conversation between two characters highlights the main concerns in Thomas King’s new novel: the destruction of the environment and the stories told about these catastrophes. In response to Gabriel’s list of environmental disasters, Nicholas proclaims, “It’s well and proper to write what must be seen and to speak what […]